pkhuong a day ago

I believe I first saw this on IACA; has the measurements for zero-latency inc, add, etc on Alder Lake . These adds by immediate are nicely closed, so I've been assuming renamed values are uniformly represented in Golden Cove as register+increment.

Taniwha a day ago

Thinking about this - this may be a pattern that;s designed to match something that expands from a string instruction.

While the loop he's testing is a useless bit of code that does nothing the optimisation he's discovered may help speed things like scasb/stosb allowing portions of 2 unrolled copies to be processed per clock

zokier a day ago

> Since the only Alder Lake machine I had access to was a remote Windows machine that didn’t belong to me, I more-or-less had to choose option 3, which meant subjecting myself to The Ultimate Sadness

Well, you can pick up Sapphire Rapids instances from your preferred cloud provider and avoid the sadness.

dzaima 14 hours ago

Note that, not only are multiple consecutive increments reduced to zero latency, but that happens even if they're interleaved with movsxd, as in the second experiment at It'd be interesting to see what other instructions it can "fuse" with (if that is what is happening).

  • rep_lodsb 9 hours ago

    Also interesting that this only happens with 64 bit registers:

    I don't see a reason why this should be the case, since the high bits of the result would simply be cleared, and it's a common size optimization to use 32 bit operations.

    Maybe is correct, and this is mainly intended for address increments generated by microcode?

    • dzaima an hour ago

      Interesting. I wonder how would interleaved 'inc r64'+'mov r32,r32' look - that's two separate latency-zero ops, equal to 'inc r32'. Wouldn't be too surprised if an eliminated op can only be zero-extending or incrementing, but not both.

leiroigh a day ago

That's pretty cool.

Normally it would be the either the programmer's or the compiler's job to unroll a loop and then reduce dependency chain lengths.

But its nice if the renamer can do that as well.

Presumably intel have real-world data that suggest that significant real workloads can profit from this.

I wonder whether that points to specific software issues, like hypothetically "oh yeah, openjdk8 hotspot was a little too timid at loop unrolling. It won't get that JIT improvement backported, but our customers will use java8 forever. Better fix that in silicon".

buttocks a day ago

Deep thoughts: why aren’t “increment” and “excrement” opposites?

  • Joker_vD a day ago

    Because "increase" and "excrete" have completely different roots that only coincidentally coincide when the verbal nouns corresponding to those words are formed.

    • knodi123 a day ago

      now do "progress" and "congress"!

      • Joker_vD a day ago

        You mean, the difference between "going forward" and "coming together"? It's in the prefix, "pro-" (for, forward) versus "con-" (with, together) which give you different shades of the meaning. Can't really say what's the verb of movement was though.

        • oersted a day ago

          I think he meant it as an absurdist joke, but this is a great response!

          I looked it up, "gress" comes from "gradi" in Latin which directly translates to "walk". More specifically: con(pro) + gradi -> congredi (verb) -> congressus (noun)

          Edit: Knowing this, "gradient" has an interesting flavour :)

          Edit: It looks like the path is more indirect for "gradient"

          "gradi" (walk) -> "gradus" (step) -> "grade" (french influence) + "salient" -> "gradient". I like that in Latin "walk" is "to step", or perhaps "step" is "the unit of walking"? "A walking"? Etymology is fun!

          • Joker_vD 21 hours ago

            > I like that in Latin "walk" is "to step", or perhaps "step" is "the unit of walking"? "A walking"?

            Consider the verb "to pace", and the corresponding noun "pace": the analogy is almost perfect. Of course, Latin also had other words for going places.

  • IWeldMelons a day ago

    Your name checks out. You should be an expert in that (excremental) matters.

mzs a day ago

You have to use an instruction like cpuid with rdtsc so that the TSC is not read before the loop terminates. There have been changes to the Intel docs and there are more options now:

Also in the bad old days SMM would interfere on some CPUs.

vardump a day ago

Just when you get used with features like x86 CPUs combining two instructions into one micro-op (micro-op fusing), you get something like this.

I guess immediate addressing mode addition is a good choice to execute at rename / allocation stage, as it's common, relatively simple and can't generate exceptions.

  • Taniwha a day ago

    This isn't really combining as the result of the first increment is needed by the intermediate compare, but is a rewriting that removes a dependency (or moves it further back in the stream)

    • vardump a day ago

      Maybe it rewrites multiple immediate additions into one.

      • Taniwha 12 hours ago

        It can't because the intermediate results are required for the compare instructions

  • eigenform a day ago

    > immediate addressing mode addition

    Well, except for the fact that you need to read from a register before adding the immediate displacement to it. You'd have to know the physical register and do the read very early (before renaming), or predict the value!

    • eigenform a day ago

      I just realized you were probably referring to the example given from the AnandTech article with `lea r64, [r64+imm8]`.

      Caveat is just that [presumably] the source and destination registers have to be matching (since `lea rax, [rax+imm]` is just `add rax, imm`).