zabzonk 9 hours ago

> A sort of horrible soft stuff was oozing all over my tongue

Of course, a lot of modern sausages are exactly like this. If you can, you want to get your sausages from a proper pork butcher. I can recommend Curtis in Lincoln UK, particularly (not surprisingly) their Lincolnshire sausages - pork flavoured with sage and pepper. Redhill Farm Shop just down the street is also good for sausages. I guess we (Lincoln residents) are lucky to have such high quality high quality food shops so close together!

  • throwup238 8 hours ago

    My favorite sausages on the west coast US is Wurstküche in Los Angeles. It’s less traditional and more California yuppy chic but the sausages are amazing.

    My favorite are the duck and bacon sausages. They’ve also got some interesting ones like rattlesnake and rabbit and a vegetarian one called smoked apple sage with apple and yukon potatoes. They even used to have alligator sausages (those were real tough).

    Their truffle fries and dipping sauces are to die for, too.

4ndrewl 4 hours ago

Leading with the Grange Hill sausage though. chef's kiss

Nursie 5 hours ago

Ah, an ode to the sausage...

I'm a big fan, the problem is a lot of them are highly processed, very fatty and massively salty.

During the last few years I was in the UK there was more choice of 'good' sausages though, 97-100% pork sausages (Heck and some other brands I now can't find), some lower salt/less processed ("Naked") and lower fat ("Porky Lights") options. But in the end none of them is really very good for you.

Which is a shame, because they are delicious.

I still haven't got used to the default sausage here in Australia being beef.