JohnFen a few seconds ago

This has been my mindset for a long time. I don't buy new computers, I buy older refurbished ones from my local electronics recycler.

I do it because I only very rarely need the sort of grunt that would make an older computer struggle, the cost is substantially lower, and reusing what's already built is better for everyone than buying something new and letting perfectly usable equipment go into the waste stream just because it's not the new shiny anymore.

voidUpdate 2 hours ago

> "Use many massive Electron apps and other inexcusably bad software written by soydevs and other people who shouldn't be writing software. The last two reasons aren't really real reasons at all because they are totally unnecessary and avoidable things."

Sadly its hard to get away from "massive electron apps" these days if you have a job. I appreciate the sentiment but you're going to have to shift a lot of corporate mindset to get that to happen

  • slackfan 8 minutes ago

    If corps want me to use them, they can provide the hardware.

    Seems fine to me?

efficax an hour ago

there are so many falsehoods in this post it’s hard to know where to begin, but it’s true that about 10-15 years ago computers got fast enough for the normal business/office use case and one from 2010 is perfectly serviceable in a way that seems wild if you remember the difference between a system from 2000 and 2010 or 2000 and 1990.

but, display quality and battery life have improved dramatically on new systems. i’ll probably use my m1 mac studio for at least 3 more years, long after the m4 comes out, since it’s plenty fast and drives two 6k displays. i guess i’m just a soydev but no computer from 2008 can do that